California LNHA’s must complete at least 10 “P” credits on the aging process!
Lesley Powell CEUS! California NHAP & NAB/NCERS Approved CE Provider!
What are “P” credits?
California Nursing Home Administrators are required to successfully complete 40 credit hours of continuing education every two years in order to keep your California Nursing Home Administrator license current/active. You do not have to complete a specific number each year. You just have to complete 40 credit hours of continuing education within the two years. Of those 40 hours, 10 credit hours must be approved for specific topics. The only way to know that a course will provide you the required credit hours on specific topics is if they are “P” credits. If there isn’t a “P” at the end of the approval number then it isn’t a course that will go towards your required 10 credit hours.
Where can I see an example of “P” credits?
When you go to www.lesleypowellceus.com you will see on the home page a list of California NHAP Approved courses all of which are “P” credits. A total of 56 “P” credit hours are available to you for $99.99. You will also see a “P” at the end of the approval number. Each course has an approval number and then a “P” at the end of the number. This is how you know that you are taking courses towards your required 10 hours of “P” credits. If it doesn’t have a “P” at the end of the approval number, then it doesn’t go towards your required “P” credits.
What about NAB/NCERS CEUS for other state across United States?
www.Administratorintraining.com has been servicing AIT’s across the United States for the last 10 plus years. We haven’t forgotten you. We currently have a self-study book available for 8.50 NAB/NCERS approved credit hours. We are in the process of adding more CEUs for both California NHAP & NAB/NCERS approved courses. The more we add the price still stays the same. This seems to be our pattern for the last 10 years. We haven’t raised our AIT prep course since its inception over 10 years ago. Unlimited CEUS for one year for only $99.99.
Thank you to all of you who have been with us as we’ve grown. It wouldn’t have happened without you. We hope you will continue the journey with us. We hope to continue servicing Licensed Nursing Home Administrators in California and across the United States for many years to come.
How do I get Lesley Powell CEUS and/or AIT prep course for NAB and NHAP exam?
Go to www.lesleypowellceus.com to purchase your yearly unlimited membership subscription to meet your CEU needs. Go to www.administratorintraining.com for AIT preparation in passing NAB Exam and NHAP state exam.