Healthy Brain Initiative: The 2018-2023 Road Map Part 2

California NHAP Approved CE Course for Licensed Nursing Home Administrators
8 CE “P” Credits

New York NHAP Program honor California NHAP Approved CE credit hours for Licensed Nursing Home Administrators. Please contact your state NHAP program for confirmation of accepted CE credit hours for your LNHA licensure.
Go to for your state NHAP contact information.

Understanding the role of State and Local Public Health partnerships across multiple sectors in using the Healthy Brain Initiative Road Map to improve cognitive function in aging Americans. Recognizing the importance of the Public Health collection and sharing of data across multiple sectors for planning Healthy Brain Initiative Road Map actions. Increasing the awareness of health disparities specific to race/ethnicity and gender and the risk factors associated to aging Americans living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. (Page 8-14 of course material)

To complete this course and receive your CE credit hours please follow the steps below:
1. Read the provided course materials.
2. Download the course exam to follow along as you read the course materials.
3. Take the online course exam until you receive a passing grade.

At the end of passing your course exam you will receive your certificate of completion.

Course Information

Course Instructor

Lesley Powell Lesley Powell Author

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